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SEO (Search Engine Optimization) keyword tools are essential instruments in the toolkit of digital marketers, content creators, and website owners. They help in identifying, analyzing, and utilizing keywords that are relevant to the content and the target audience.

Keyword Overview

Keyword research, selection and incorporation should form the cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO), so before publishing web or mobile content online or offline. SEO copywriting relies heavily on keywords. They play an essential part in the title, body copy, meta description and SEO elements of every piece of online content thats written or produced. Titles help define the subject matter of content pieces and are an excellent starting point for finding relevant keywords, both as head keywords and as long-tail terms. Head keywords are broad terms such as software while long-tail phrases can be much more specific, like best organic dog food for puppies or inexpensive dog walkers Seattle. Furthermore, there are often words associated with keywords which make up long tail phrases known as middle keywords.

Keywords may change over time as language evolves and new jargon is introduced, yet their essential role in digital marketing remains the same.

Keywords are words or phrases people type into search engines to locate what they need, and are frequently employed in SEO (search engine optimization) campaigns in order to attract relevant traffic to websites. They form the cornerstone of an effective SEO campaign and can be utilized in numerous ways to target specific audiences - for instance using them in blog post titles, title tags, meta descriptions, URLs and more to ensure your content reaches those with whom it should.

What Are SEO Keyword Tools?

SEO keyword tools are software or online platforms that assist in finding the right keywords to target in content, advertising, and SEO strategies. They provide insights into keyword popularity, competition, search volume, trends, and more.

  1. Keyword Discovery: They help in finding relevant keywords that people are using to search for products, services, or information related to your niche.
  2. Competitive Analysis: Understanding what keywords competitors are ranking for can help in devising a more effective SEO strategy.
  3. Content Optimization: By targeting the right keywords, you can optimize your content to rank higher in search engine results.
  4. Tracking and Analysis: Many tools offer tracking features to monitor how your keywords are performing over time.
  5. Long-Tail Keywords: These tools can help identify long-tail keywords, which are often less competitive and can drive more targeted traffic.
  6. Local SEO: Some tools provide insights into local search trends, helping businesses target local audiences effectively.

Here is an extensive guide to various free keyword research tools that can be valuable for SEO planning, content creation, and marketing strategies. Heres a summary of the key points:

  1. Importance of Keyword Research: Understanding what your audience wants and needs is essential, and keyword research tools can help you craft a successful SEO strategy at no cost.
  2. Keyword Research Tools for Different Needs: Think of the different platform needs like Google, YouTube, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy have their own algorithms, and there are tools tailored for each.
  3. Free Tools Highlighted:
    • Google Trends: Offers graphs and data on specific search terms used on Google and YouTube.
    • Soovle: Great for e-commerce websites, providing popular keywords across several megasites.
    • Keyword Sheeter: Delivers real-time data on what people are typing into Google.
    • Semrush: Offers complementary tools but limits free searches to 10 a day. Semrushs tool with over 24 billion keywords across 142 international databases. Offers various filters for specific searches.
    • Moz: Provides a long list of keyword suggestions but limits free queries to 10 a month.
    • Keyword Tool Dominator: Helps identify search trends across various platforms.
    • Ahrefs: Offers free tools for keyword generation and SERP results.
    • Ubersuggest: Displays search volume, SEO difficulty, paid difficulty, and CPC.
    • Google Keyword Planner: Helps plan PPC and SEO marketing campaigns.
    • Keyword Surfer: A Chrome extension that displays results on the side of the search page.
    • Keyworddit: Mines Reddit for keywords, extracting up to 500 keywords with search volumes.
    • AnswerThePublic: Displays questions people are asking related to specific topics.
    • QuestionDB: Shows question-based keywords from forums like Reddit.
    • AlsoAsked: Aggregates questions from Googles People Also Ask (PAA) boxes.
    • Keyword Gap: Helps to find common and missing keywords among competitors.
    • TubeBuddy: A browser extension for YouTube-specific keyword research.
  4. Considerations for Choosing Tools:
  • Budget: Some tools are free, while others offer more advanced features at a cost.
  • Features: Depending on your needs, you may want a tool that offers specific features like local SEO, competitive analysis, or content optimization suggestions.
  • Ease of Use: The user interface and learning curve can vary between tools, so choose one that fits your comfort level.
  • Integration: Some tools integrate with other marketing and analytics platforms, providing a more cohesive workflow.
  • Limitations of Free Versions: Some tools have limitations on the number of searches per day or month, and others may not include metrics like keyword difficulty or search volume in the free version.
  • Complementary Strategies: Some tools are designed to complement existing strategies, revealing unique insights or targeting specific platforms.
  • Export and Download Options: Many tools allow you to export data or download results for further analysis.
  • E-commerce and Multichannel Marketing: Tools like Soovle and Keyword Tool Dominator are highlighted for sellers and multichannel marketers who want to rank on platforms beyond traditional search engines.
  • Additional Insights for PPC Marketing: Tools like Google Keyword Planner offer insights into search engine marketing for those looking to branch into pay-per-click marketing.

My Favorite: Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a popular keyword research tool developed by Neil Patel, a well-known figure in the digital marketing industry. Heres an overview of Ubersuggests features and reputation to help you determine if its a good fit for your needs:


  1. User-Friendly Interface: Ubersuggest is known for its clean and intuitive interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced SEO professionals.
  2. Comprehensive Data: It provides detailed information on keywords, including search volume, competition, related keywords, and more.
  3. Competitor Analysis: You can analyze competitors websites to see what keywords they are ranking for, giving you insights into their strategies.
  4. Content Ideas: Ubersuggest offers content suggestions based on the keywords youre researching, which can be helpful for content planning.
  5. Free Version Available: Theres a free version of Ubersuggest that offers limited access to some features, allowing you to try it out before committing to a paid plan.


  1. Limited Features in Free Version: The free version has limitations, and you may need to upgrade to a paid plan to access all features.
  2. Accuracy Concerns: Some users have raised concerns about the accuracy of the data provided, particularly when compared to other premium tools.
  3. Lack of Advanced Features: While Ubersuggest covers the basics well, it may lack some advanced features found in other premium SEO tools.


Ubersuggest is considered a good tool for keyword research, especially for those who are new to SEO or have a limited budget. It offers a solid range of features that can help with keyword discovery, competitor analysis, and content planning. However, if you require more advanced functionalities or have concerns about data accuracy, you may want to compare Ubersuggest with other premium tools to see which best fits your needs.

Best Completely Free Method: Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that enables you to discover keywords relevant to your business and display search volume data and trends. Furthermore, this tool also can help identify potential competitors.

Filters allow you to filter results based on location and language - narrowing them down to only whats pertinent to your business.

It is free

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool designed to assist in researching keywords and understanding what people are searching for online. You can search specific terms, analyze their search volume and competitiveness and discover related or new ones as well as estimate ad costs and predict campaign results - making it a vital asset in SEO and PPC campaigns.

Google Keyword Planner (GKP) has made getting started easier, so all it takes to generate keyword ideas is entering keywords or URLs. Furthermore, users can scan their own websites for relevant keywords - an invaluable feature for marketers seeking new strategies based on content created and sold themselves.

GKP does have some limitations that make it challenging to use for specific tasks, however. For instance, the tool cannot give accurate search volumes for certain keywords which can be annoying for marketers; however there are ways around this limitation that may help.

One effective way of estimating keyword search volume is through autocomplete tools like Google. Autocomplete suggestions are generated based on what has been typed into its search box, with artificial intelligence taking into account factors like frequency of searches for each term over time.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer provides an insightful view into the search world, making it invaluable for marketers seeking to optimize their website and increase traffic. Furthermore, this tool enables marketers to better understand searcher intent and tailor content according to individual searchers requirements.

Start out using Google Suite tools such as Analytics, AdWords and Keyword Planner as theyre free for beginners. However, premium tools like Semrush offer more in-depth data and features.

It is easy to use

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool designed to assist with researching search terms that people type into Google. You can use it to find keywords relevant to your business and tailor advertising campaigns accordingly, while simultaneously learning about competition levels for each keyword - essential information when identifying which ones should be targeted for SEO purposes.

The tool is easy to use and provides valuable information. You can filter results based on search volume, competitiveness and seasonality; add specific URLs for niche keyword research; view your plans forecast; analyze data easily accessible to you and help improve campaigns; as well as view forecast and analyze forecasted plans forecast data - making the tool both practical and powerful!

Start off by opening a free AdWords account, logging into it, and clicking Tools. From there, navigate to Google Keyword Planner. It offers two tools - Discover New Keywords and Get Search Volume and Forecasts, both designed to help identify relevant keywords for your website or business.

Use the Refine Keywords button in the upper-right corner of the screen to refine your ideas further. This feature is particularly helpful if youve already searched for something and come up with irrelevant search results, allowing you to only view related terms or exclude ones for brands you dont sell.

Google Keyword Planner was built with pay-per-click (PPC) advertisers in mind; some features may not be applicable if conducting SEO-driven keyword research, for instance accurate search volume data wont be provided for keywords not associated with an AdWords campaign.

One of the key advantages of Google Keyword Planner is its Competition column, which does not measure difficulty of ranking, but rather how many advertisers are bidding on that term for PPC ads. Although this metric remains useful, you should keep in mind that it may not accurately represent competitiveness of a keyword.

It is reliable

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that enables users to research keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns. The tool offers useful information, including average monthly search volume for each keyword as well as competition level; estimated clicks/impressions counts; cost per click estimates (CPC); plus it helps users discover keywords likely to convert customers.

Googles updated keyword tool features a much easier interface, making keyword research simpler than ever before. Start by entering some seed keywords or paste in your website URL for inspiration - then watch as the tool scans your website and generates a list of potential keywords!

GKP provides an effective means for finding long-tail keywords related to your products and services, which you can then use to optimize content for searchers - ultimately increasing organic rankings. Furthermore, the new version adds the capability of organizing keywords into Ad Groups; you can select different locations and languages so as to see only relevant keywords related to your business.

Downloading keywords and forecasts from the keyword planner tool will save time and allow you to focus on other tasks more quickly. Filter keywords by relevance, search volume, or competition level for even further refinement and to find keywords within budget that increase visitors to your website.

Keyword planner provides another excellent feature - search volume data in different regions can help you target local searchers more effectively or compare volumes between cities, as it allows you to see which keywords to focus on and which to ignore. This data can assist with targeting search terms which best suit the keywords you have entered into the keyword planner.

Googles estimates for search volume can be highly unreliable. For instance, without active AdWords campaigns running, an error message will pop-up that states: To see more detailed statistics, run a campaign. This could result in false predictions and inaccurate forecasts.

It is flexible

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that enables you to search and plan keywords that will increase the performance of your ads, organize them into ad groups, and forecast campaigns. To access it, log into your Google Ads account and click either Discover new keywords or Start with a website. It can even be used with existing AdWords accounts!

Start by entering a keyword or phrase you are targeting and choose an appropriate location, language and time period. This will enable you to find keywords suitable to your budget and objectives; our tool will suggest similar ones and provide information such as average monthly searches, competition level and suggested bid.

This data can help you target the appropriate audiences for your products and services. Additionally, you can utilize it to optimize content for organic search. For instance, if you want to attract those looking for Halloween costumes online, use seasonal keywords with high search volumes as filters to narrow your results; similarly you could identify popular search locations by filtering by location keywords.

The tool can also assist in selecting the ideal keywords for your business. If you operate an e-commerce store, for instance, you could filter by product categories to see which words your potential customers are searching for - giving a great sense of what your potential clients are after and possibly uncovering untapped opportunities.

The competitor filter of this tool can be an invaluable asset when analyzing competitors advertising efforts, particularly when trying to understand which keywords your rivals are bidding on and whether or not they have commercial intent. Furthermore, this filter can help identify keywords with low, medium, or high competition levels - though remember this tool shouldnt replace tools such as Ahrefs which provide more comprehensive keyword research capabilities.


SEO keyword tools are vital for anyone looking to improve their online visibility, drive more targeted traffic, and compete effectively in the digital space. By understanding the keywords that resonate with your audience and how they align with your content and offerings, you can create more engaging and effective strategies that align with search engine algorithms and user intent. Whether youre a seasoned SEO professional or just getting started, these tools offer valuable insights and capabilities to enhance your online presence.

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