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YouTube Keyword Tool is an invaluable resource for video creators. Offering keyword suggestions specifically tailored for YouTube videos as well as SEO tools, prices start from $89 per month.

This tool uses YouTube autocomplete to quickly identify relevant keywords for your video on YouTube. It analyzes monthly search volume and competition to predict which are likely to rank well on YouTube.

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If youre creating video content on YouTube, research keywords. This ensures your videos will appear in YouTube searches as well as any relevant searches on other social media platforms. There are numerous free and paid tools that can help with this task; ultimately they could save time and money in the long run.

YouTubes autosuggest feature is one of the top free keyword tools on YouTube, providing you with a list of keywords relevant to the subject you are researching based on actual user search queries - not simply random suggestions. Furthermore, this tool can even be used to optimize existing videos.

For an easier experience and greater results, the free version of this tool offers limited results. To access more comprehensive data, a premium subscription may be more affordable and allows you to use it on unlimited projects; additionally, it features video scorecarding tools and allows bulk uploads of videos.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is another effective option to help find keyword ideas for YouTube and other platforms, including Amazon and Etsy. It enables you to explore by terms or phrases, group and export ideas, see competitive analysis of competitors, as well as display current search volumes and opportunity scores of each keyword.

There are various free and paid YouTube keyword tools that can help optimize your videos. TubeBuddy is one of the more popular tools, providing easy discovery of relevant search terms via tags. It works great across desktop computers as well as mobile phones. Furthermore, VidIQ can help identify suitable keywords for videos.

Utilizing keyword tools is key to creating high-quality, optimized YouTube content. By using these tools to identify popular search terms and incorporate them into titles and descriptions, they can help improve performance on YouTube channels as well as grow viewership numbers.


YouTube is the second most-visited search engine on earth, providing businesses with an excellent opportunity to reach consumers. Smart marketers have begun developing effective YouTube SEO strategies - keyword research being an essential element - with numerous tools available to them for this task.

One of the best features on YouTube is its autocomplete feature, which offers suggestions based on real searches on the site and can help uncover potential keywords for your videos. Another free tool available to you is YTSearch which enables you to quickly find related search phrases with just a single click as well as optimize videos by suggesting relevant tags related to its topic.

VidIQ is another excellent paid tool, allowing you to find keywords based on tags from competing videos and providing a ranking opportunity estimate based on subscribers, views, likes & comments and relevance metrics. Furthermore, this platform also offers suggested keywords which you can use when writing titles and descriptions for your videos.

VidIQs paid version, priced at $199 per month, allows for more detailed metrics about competitor videos. It also comes with an in-depth keyword search feature to quickly display top results across Google, Bing and Yahoo - plus video rankings as well as associated ads for any keyword entered.

TubeBuddy and Kparser are among the many other third-party keyword research tools for YouTube that provide keyword data. When selecting these tools, make sure they are easy to use and accurate in their data; otherwise they wont provide much use to you. SEMRush and Ahrefs both offer extensive SEO, competitor analysis, keyword identification functions - with SEMRush featuring search volume/CPC data while Ahrefs offers more streamlined solutions without including Google data.

Easy to use

There are various tools that can assist with keyword research for YouTube, both free and paid options available to you. Utilizing these tools can be an efficient way of discovering effective keywords that rank well on YouTube while also comparing search volume data for various keywords.

YouTube Autocomplete, built into its search function, is one of the most useful tools for keyword research on YouTube. By simply typing in your search term and seeing suggestions based on what other users have searched for on the platform, Autocomplete provides a valuable starting point to further your investigation of related search terms or popular content on the video-sharing site.

Google Trends is another useful and free tool, helping you see which keywords are popular with viewers and identify any trends that could potentially influence them. YouTube Analytics Research tab also displays these popular search terms so you can tailor content specifically to their interests.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer offers an in-depth YouTube keyword research solution, using clickstream data to accurately determine search volume for specific keywords and provide more details than competing tools. It allows users to see average monthly search volumes across over 200 countries as well as click count numbers on YouTube searches - providing a useful indication as to whether people are satisfied with existing content or not.

There are also paid tools for finding YouTube keyword ideas, including vidIQ and Kparser. Both of these tools feature an easy interface for discovering new keyword ideas while offering various features to analyze competitors performance - such as showing which keywords your competitors are targeting and the level of competition in their keywords - or helping analyze competitor videos so as to gauge how well theyre performing.


Utilizing relevant keywords is key to optimizing YouTube videos, and tools are available that can assist with this. Search queries help YouTubes algorithm determine which videos best suit each query, so keywords are vital in finding content relevant to search queries that is then displayed on search results pages. Finding these relevant keywords shouldnt be costly either - many can be used for free while others require subscription fees; no matter your budget there will likely be one suitable.

The free YouTube Keyword Tool is an excellent place to begin your keyword research for YouTube. Using autocomplete suggestions, it generates a list of related keywords. Furthermore, each individual keyword is separated with commas to facilitate copy-and-paste into YouTube more easily. Unfortunately, due to limited results offered by this free keyword tool alone, vidIQ may provide more data.

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer is another powerful YouTube keyword research tool. Drawing data from its massive database of over 640 million keywords, this tool offers accurate monthly search volume estimates as well as search opportunity scores based on various criteria like search difficulty, cost-per-click pricing and AdWords competition data - although prices start from $99/month when compared with other YouTube keyword tools.

TubeBuddy is one of the premier tools for YouTube keyword research, enabling users to examine competitors titles, descriptions, tags and keywords in an intuitive interface that supports multiple accounts. New users are entitled to a free trial period; moreover it supports free trials of different accounts simultaneously.

Other paid YouTube keyword research tools that offer numerous features for marketers include vidIQ and HyperSuggest, such as keyword templates that make creating titles and descriptions simpler, being certified by YouTube, and offering an online learning academy to support customers.

Use YouTube Studios keyword tool for free to quickly generate YouTube video ideas and develop an overall strategy for video production. Furthermore, its free version can be directly accessed through your account on the YouTube website.

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