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PBN Links WooRank Keyword Tool How to Use the Google Keyword Traffic Too Bulk Keyword Tool

Conducting keyword research on YouTube is an indispensable component of video content creator workflow, providing insight into what people are searching for on the platform and enabling you to assess how well your videos rank for those keywords.

Google Trends is an invaluable tool for YouTube keyword research as it pulls data directly from Google, the owner of YouTube. Plus, they offer free trials for new users!

1. Keyword Tool

Given that 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, keyword research should be an essential part of your video content strategy. By targeting specific search terms on the platform, keyword research allows your videos to meet viewers information or entertainment needs on YouTube.

There are various tools that can help with YouTube keyword research, some free and others paid. Some examples include TubeBuddy, HyperSuggest, Kparser and Google Trends for free; Ahrefs and TubeRank Tracker provide additional features and data not found with their free counterparts.

Filter by search term, content gaps and more with these tools. Additionally, these tools can display average search volume figures on YouTube and other search engines so you can identify keywords with high demand that have yet to be met by existing videos on the platform. This provides you with an opportunity to create videos that meet these demand needs more directly.

One feature available with certain of these tools is the capability of tracking YouTube video rankings, which can help determine which video is performing well and help optimize it for search rankings. You may use it in conjunction with tools like TubeBuddy that offer an array of YouTube and SEO tools designed to assist your content marketing strategy.

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to identify YouTube keywords is with an autocomplete search tool. These tools offer great ways of discovering which search terms your audience is using on YouTube as well as different phrases they may be searching for that offer similar information or entertainment.

Popular autocomplete search tools include YouTube Keyword Tool, Google Trends and Ahrefs. YouTube Keyword Tool offers an intuitive user experience with its simple interface and provides suggestions that incorporate your keyword as well as related terms with metrics like search volume, average trend and CPC data. Google Trends and Ahrefs offer more extensive data coverage.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is an invaluable resource when it comes to uncovering YouTube keywords, giving an excellent view into which terms people use when searching for video content. Enter any keyword or term and get instantaneous data like search volume changes over time as well as localized interest maps showing geographic maps showing regions where interest lies and also giving a list of related queries that might come in handy when creating video content.

One great aspect of this tool is the ability to sort results by category, making it simple to quickly identify keywords relevant to your business or industry. Furthermore, you can view how terms are performing across countries - perfect for local SEO efforts - as well as view any related videos that could provide inspiration for video content production.

While various tools exist for discovering popular search terms, YouTubes autocomplete feature is also an effective method for keyword research. Simply type a term into the search box, and it will display a list of phrases which contain that term; this can provide you with new keyword ideas while showing you how other marketers are targeting similar terms.

For advanced features, if you require them. Rank Tracker offers an advanced keyword research tool with features like keyword analysis that lets you uncover top-performing keywords for videos from competitors as well as metrics like search volume, expected visits, and competition.

Start using Rank Tracker with our free version, but for more in-depth reports and analyses you will require one of our packages that start at $38 for website owners/entrepreneurs/agencies and $762 per month for agencies - each package also offers a money back guarantee in case the service doesnt deliver what was promised!

3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a premium SEO tool with high levels of accuracy, an intuitive user-interface, and robust reporting features - it is an essential must-have tool for businesses that wish to take their SEO efforts further and stay ahead of competition.

Ahrefs Rank Tracker is an effective way of monitoring how your content ranks for certain keywords over time. Accessible via the main dashboard, this feature enables you to see rankings for any given keyword on Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex and allows for email alerts when its rankings change.

Ahrefs stands out as an invaluable SEO resource by going beyond Google search data, with information for 171 different countries available - making it an excellent option for SEOs who operate internationally.

Ahrefs offers another useful feature - Domain Analysis - which lets you see how well competitors websites are performing for specific keywords in search engine results pages, giving an indication of which tactics might work and which are likely failing them.

Backlink Target can also be useful, providing an estimate of the estimated number of links required to rank for a keyword. This tool helps determine which keywords to focus on as well as which types of content to create in order to increase rankings and boost results.

Finally, the Keyword Difficulty Tool is useful in gauging whether a keyword is worth targeting as it provides an estimate of how challenging it will be to rank for said term. This can be particularly helpful for websites just starting out - newcomers may decide whether spending their time and effort competing for certain terms is worthwhile or not.

Ahrefs Keyword Suggestions tool is an effective way of uncovering new keyword ideas. It provides three reports that highlight what are known as matching terms; related terms; and search suggestions - each providing you with keywords likely to appear in Google autocomplete searches.

4. VidIQ

vidIQ is an advanced video SEO tool with numerous powerful features designed to help your videos rank better on both YouTube and Google (youtube is the second-largest search engine). vidIQs user-friendly design makes keyword research simple: simply enter any term into the search bar, and it will provide an abundance of data about that keyword universe such as its volume/competition score metric as well as what videos are trending for that term, top channels that could use additional optimization work, related keyword opportunities, etc.

This tool allows you to evaluate your competition, which can help determine whether a keyword pursuit is worthwhile or not. Furthermore, you can identify any content gaps which need filling to increase your odds of ranking for that search term.

vidIQs keyword search function is one of its greatest assets. This feature lets you quickly discover related search terms by locating video titles or descriptions and showing which terms are related. This can be an invaluable way to unearth keywords you might otherwise miss when conducting other research efforts.

Compare Your Competitors Videos With Yours on YouTubeTo see which keywords your competitors are using can give you an idea of which to include in titles and descriptions in order to rank higher on YouTube

Ahrefs is a marketing analysts dream tool, offering SEO, competitor analysis and keyword identification functions all from one convenient interface. Additionally, Ahrefs boasts an amazing YouTube keyword tool which displays search volume numbers for any keyword across 243 different countries - giving you more accurate search volume numbers that help uncover opportunities that might otherwise remain undetected in autocomplete results alone.

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